獨立攝影師Zack以婚紗攝影為主,主張用「心」專注的去捕捉每個當下,讓精緻唯美的風格與自然結合,在大自然中捕捉每一段婚姻的溫暖與驚喜。 此作品是為Zack設計的品牌識別系統,主色調取自攝影作品裡常出現的暗綠色,表現優雅的品牌氣質,並以燙金點綴提升精緻感。而圖像標誌為「Z」和花邊意象的結合,也同時隱含Zack Xu中Z和X的形象。延伸物包含名片、信封、相本及公文夾。
Freelance photographer Zack Xu specializes in wedding photography, with intentions to capture every moment from the heart. Combining exquisite and beautiful styles with nature, he seizes every marriage’s affectionate and surprising moments.
Grandvity created a visual identity system for Zack. Dark green is often seen in his photos, which we extracted as the main color to represent the elegance of the brand. By hot foiling some gold details as decorations, they enhance the sophistication of the designs. The logo combines the letter “Z” and floral imagery, and contains an “X” that represents the last name, “Xu”. The design applications include business cards, envelopes, and photo albums.

Type | Branding
Year | 2018
Client | Zack Xu
Year | 2018
Client | Zack Xu
Producer | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Logotype Designer | Noodlemaker
Basic System Designer | Jasmine Lin/Noodlemaker
Design Assistant | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin
Portfolio Photography | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin
Print | Autumn Scope
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Logotype Designer | Noodlemaker
Basic System Designer | Jasmine Lin/Noodlemaker
Design Assistant | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin
Portfolio Photography | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin
Print | Autumn Scope