湯廠 Soup Factory | Branding
湯廠Soupfactory位於台北市大安區,是一間融合工業風格及潮流元素的特色火鍋店,不同於一般麻辣鍋底或平價吃到飽的火鍋店,湯廠最具特色的地方在於自行研發的七種特色湯底,搭配嚴格挑選的頂級食材,組合出各種原創口味。 湯廠團隊希望打造出讓客人從味覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺及視覺都能享受其中的品牌識別,在探索的過程中,湯廠團隊從食物擺盤、店內音樂、裝潢選材、服務方式到視覺系統一手包辦,讓品牌與顧客串聯,傳達湯廠不只對料理、更是對五感體驗講究的精神。
Soup Factory is a unique hot pot restaurant located in Daan district, Taipei that combines industrial aesthetics with trendy elements. Unlike other spicy and all-you-can-eat hot pots, Soup Factory provides 7 unique soup bases and high quality ingredients to create combinations you’ve never tasted before.
Soup Factory’s team hopes to create a visual system that satisfies customers’ five senses.
By integrating all the elements like food presentation, music selection, interior design, customer service, to the visual identity design, Soup Factory immerses the customers in an enjoyable and sensual dining experience.
By integrating all the elements like food presentation, music selection, interior design, customer service, to the visual identity design, Soup Factory immerses the customers in an enjoyable and sensual dining experience.

Type | Branding
Year | 2018
Client | 湯廠 Soup Factory
Year | 2018
Client | 湯廠 Soup Factory
Production | Noodlemaker
Art Direction | Noodlemaker
Visual System Design | Noodlemaker
Design Assistant | Anna Liu
Logotype Design | Noodlemaker
Photographer | HOW CHAN photography
Photography Assistan | Winway
Interior Design | 門阜室內設計
Print | Mid Autumn
Art Direction | Noodlemaker
Visual System Design | Noodlemaker
Design Assistant | Anna Liu
Logotype Design | Noodlemaker
Photographer | HOW CHAN photography
Photography Assistan | Winway
Interior Design | 門阜室內設計
Print | Mid Autumn