【公主病 Princess Tendencies】陳芳語 Kimberley | Digital Art
2012年出道後,便以一首《愛你》紅遍大街小巷的 Kimberley Chen 陳芳語,在去年發行第四張專輯《公主病》,一反前三張專輯設定的甜心形象,她撕下過往被外界貼上的種種標籤,在這張 Mixtape 展現最真實的自己。
《公主病》共31首歌曲,形式以仿黑膠的樣式呈現出作品的重量感,封面於台北東區拍攝,並以 Digital Art 後製專屬於 Kimberley 的元素——從中途之家救回來12隻寵物寶貝們、Kim 爸為她挑選的生日車牌、承載全家回憶的賓士車、抽著她最愛的薯條,不做明星、不當偶像,這次扮演自己,屬於 Kimbo 自己的公主病。
Kimberley Chen’s song “Love You” made her famous overnight after her debut in 2012. Just last year, she released her fourth album Princess Tendencies. This album cover rejects the “Taiwanese sweetheart” facade that Kimberley is recognized for and for the first time, she presents her true self in this album.
“If being your true self is a kind of sickness, we must all be sick.”
Princess Tendencies consists of 31 songs and is designed in the form of a vinyl to express the personal significance of this album. The album cover takes place in Taipei East District, and includes Kimberley’s most personal memories: her twelve rescued pets, a birthday license plate given by her dad, and her family car. Not a celebrity nor a pop star, Kimberley is just herself and immersed in her “princess tendencies.”

Clients | ChynaHouse
Clients | ChynaHouse
Visual Image | PRISM Co.,Ltd
Typography Designer | Noodle Wang
Key Visual Designer | Noodle Wang
Production | Grandvity Design
Artist | Kimberley Chen
Photographer | Yang Shih Chuan
Album Cover | Noodlemaker
Special Thanks | Kaizer Zhuang /Chun Teng Lin
Typography Designer | Noodle Wang
Key Visual Designer | Noodle Wang
Production | Grandvity Design
Artist | Kimberley Chen
Photographer | Yang Shih Chuan
Album Cover | Noodlemaker
Special Thanks | Kaizer Zhuang /Chun Teng Lin