Lost in Zhubei | Branding
【 Lost in Zhubei 】成立於新竹竹北,為繁忙的都會生活帶來片刻輕鬆,提供休息的中繼站。
物以類聚與品牌負責人 Nicole Liao 一起打造輕鬆又專業的都會形象,將字母加入波浪狀變形,保留襯線體的優雅同時表現品牌輕鬆的態度,並延伸至裝潢和印刷品上,無論是上班途中來杯咖啡,或是入內稍作休息,都能暫時「Lost in」,忘卻煩惱。
Established in Zhubei, Taiwan, Lost in Zhubei is a café that brings a moment of relaxation to the busy urban life. 
Together with brand leader, Nicole Liao, Grandvity Design created a relaxing yet professional urban image of the city. By combining waves into the logotype and retaining the elegance of the serif, the brand expresses an easy-going attitude that is later developed into brand applications and interior designs. Whether you are on your way for a cup of coffee or just taking a quick break, you can be “lost in Zhubei” for a moment and forget your worries.
Type | Branding 
Year | 2019 
Client | Lost in Zhubei
Production | Grandvity Design 
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Project Manager | Grape Chiu 
Typography Designer | Noodle Wang
Visual Identity | Jasmine Lin 
Photographer | Kaizer Zhuang/ Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin
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