菲迅金工 Fusion Golden | Branding
菲迅金工為台灣知名的珠寶、銀飾品設計品牌,並開設3D列印與珠寶設計課程,提供設計、教學與製作,是台灣飾品工藝產業舉足輕重的全方位設計團隊。 今年推出品牌識別重塑計畫,指定歌德體做為新形象的標準字,應用於各式印刷、包裝與飾品設計上,為客戶帶來帥氣的形象,讓3D列印與金工工藝有更廣泛的風格市場,打造個性與工藝兼具的品牌新價值。
Fusion Golden is a famous jewelry and silverware brand in Taiwan. They also provide jewelry designing and 3D printing classes, which makes them a pivotal part of the jewelry industry. This year, they decided to rebrand their visual identity with gothic typeface as their new logotype.
With an edgy new visual identity, Fusion Golden allows 3D printing and metalworking craftsmanship to have a broader style market, creating a brand with both strong character and professional craftsmanship.

Type | Branding
Year | 2019
Client | Fusion Golden
Year | 2019
Client | Fusion Golden
Production | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Visual System Designer | Noodlemaker/Jasmine Lin
Design Assistant | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin/Yu Ju Liu
Print | Autumn Scope
Photographer | HOW CHAN photography
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Visual System Designer | Noodlemaker/Jasmine Lin
Design Assistant | Si Jia Sun/Jasmine Lin/Yu Ju Liu
Print | Autumn Scope
Photographer | HOW CHAN photography