【Free Play】創造焦點 Eye Catching Circus | Event
創造焦點 年度大作《 FREE PLAY 》親子劇場,將馬戲特技結合公園遊樂設施,分別代表著不同的意義,除了期許小朋友在童年時期能拋開限制盡情玩耍,也讓大人重溫孩童的純真時光。
主視覺由類聚與插畫家 AUD 合作,將字母「C-I-R-C-U-S」與馬戲元素藏進遊樂設施中,帶出馬戲表演時的空間感,人臉造型的設施與積木堆疊出的 FREE PLAY,展現出滿滿的童趣與活力。
Eye Catching Circus presents their annual masterpiece "FREE PLAY", a family-friendly theater show. It combines circus stunts with park facilities in hope for children to be able to play without restrictions and remind adults of their carefree childhood memories.
Grandvity Design commissioned illustrator AUD to illustrate the key visual. The letters "CIRCUS" are blended into the amusement facilities in the visual to bring out a sense of space and demonstrate a pure childlike energy.

Type | Event
Year | 2021
Client | Eye Catching Circus 創造焦點
Year | 2021
Client | Eye Catching Circus 創造焦點
Production|Grandvity Design
Art Director|Noodlemaker
Account Manager|Grape Chiu
Project Manager|Sarah Peng
Design Director|Si Jia Sun
Designer|Jasmine Lin/Claire Jen
Illustrator / Typography Designer|AUD
Art Director|Noodlemaker
Account Manager|Grape Chiu
Project Manager|Sarah Peng
Design Director|Si Jia Sun
Designer|Jasmine Lin/Claire Jen
Illustrator / Typography Designer|AUD