琵琶語 Pipa Word | Event
前導視覺設計以「Classic」為核心概念,與攝影師How Chan合作,用黑白照片抓拍出彈奏時的局部姿態,再以金色色塊呈現出經典餘韻意象,表現指尖與琵琶間既神秘又熟悉的對話,如老友般的默契,呈現出令人期待的經典之作。
Grandvity Design designed a solo lute recital, “Pipa Word'' for Lin Hui Kuan, a distinguished Taiwanese lute musician.
For the trailer visual, we focused on “Classic” as the main theme. We worked closely with photographer How Chan to capture Lin’s playing moments in black and white pictures. Using golden pieces to demonstrate rhythmic aftertaste, we emphasize on the mysterious yet familiar conversation between Lin’s fingers and the lute.
For the main event key visual, we continued with the classic theme and designed posters that come in classic black and absolute white to embellish Lin’s red qipao (Chinese traditional clothing). Combined with an abstract background, we create an exquisite musical feast.

Type | Event
Year | 2019
Client | 采風樂坊
Year | 2019
Client | 采風樂坊
Production | PRISM Co.,Ltd.
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Typography Designer | Noodlemaker
Key Visual Designer | Si Jia Sun
Photographer | How Chan Photography
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Typography Designer | Noodlemaker
Key Visual Designer | Si Jia Sun
Photographer | How Chan Photography