【鳧遊 Endless】創造焦點 Eye Catching Circus | Event
輕盈柔軟的身體曲線,以各種姿態飄逸、墜落; 錯綜複雜的生命軌跡,以各種線條交錯、纏繞。
呼應著「Endless」的主題,將海報設計出四方連續的圖樣,創造出無止境的循環,透過視覺傳遞出如「鳧」般悠「遊」的故事想像。 「浮盪遊歷,終而復始的生命軌跡。」
Along the beautiful and perfect body curves, the dancers glide with smooth and graceful movements. With intricate flows of motion, the beauty of life performs majestically on stage.
Following the theme of “Endless”, the poster’s continuous patterns on all four sides visualizes an infinite cycle that conveys the story.
“Through floating and wandering, life comes and goes.”

Type | Event
Year | 2019
Client | Eye Catching Circus 創造焦點
Year | 2019
Client | Eye Catching Circus 創造焦點
Visual Image | PRISM Co.,Ltd
Typography Designer | Noodle Wang
Key Visual Designer | Noodle Wang
Typography Designer | Noodle Wang
Key Visual Designer | Noodle Wang